Pictured below is a structural fabrication project for the Grantville Volunteer Firehouse. The project scope included over 100 tons of material and a variety of weldments. Regardless of the variety of parts, PELET completed the work by deadline and within budget. Check out the gallery below to see how the …

At one time, Kinzua Bridge was one of the tallest railroad bridges in the world. The bridge collapsed under the pressure of a tornado in 2003. In 2009 PELET was tasked with turning the remaining structure into an observation deck named the Kinzua Sky Walk. The observation deck included a …
PELET fabricated the railing for this Temple University Stainless Steel Staircase. This project was certified by LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). The purpose of LEED is to encourage the construction of energy and resource-efficient, or “green”, designs. PELET used stainless steel material in this project, all of which …
Can you guess what this is? Not a giant LEGO, but a Kamag Palletizer… and PELET has 50+ years of experience fabricatingthis and others like it. Used in steel mills, these are loaded with steel plate. From there special trucks back under the palletizer and hydraulics are used to transfer …
PELET fabricated a Truss Section Pipe Rack Bridge for our customer MarQ Steel. The pipe bridge was approximately 30′0″ high and 8′0″ wide, with a run of 155′0″. It then turned and dropped to approximately 18′0″ high and 8′0″ wide and ran for an additional 50′0″. This project, while complicated, …
PELET supplied barrier post assemblies, as well as barrier rails and splice tubes, on both sides of this bridge crossing Pequea Creek. A less common element, PELET fabricated a radiused section to conform with the curve in the roadway. The team at PELET is proud of our long resume of …