PELET fabricated a Truss Section Pipe Rack Bridge for our customer MarQ Steel. The pipe bridge was approximately 30′0″ high and 8′0″ wide, with a run of 155′0″. It then turned and dropped to approximately 18′0″ high and 8′0″ wide and ran for an additional 50′0″.
This project, while complicated, was extremely time-sensitive which brought its own set of challenges. PELET is proud to have delivered it on time and were thrilled to hear the fabricated parts exceeded expectations.
PELET used material 100% melted and manufactured in the USA, including the fasteners, for this project. All of the components were galvanized for increased longevity.
- Total Approximate Weight for this Project: 65 Tons
- Notice to Proceed: 5/12/14
- Approved Shop Drawings: 5/28/14
- Final Shipment to Site: 7/7/14